Dental Hygiene

Career and Technical Studies
Five-semester (two-year program)

这个为期两年的课程旨在培养学生成为一名熟练的, educated health care provider with the knowledge and skills necessary to become part of the dental health team. 顺利完成两年的课程, graduates will be eligible to sit for national and regional examinations in dental hygiene leading to licensure as a registered dental hygienist.

Program goals:


  1. 表现出最高水平的专业精神.
  2. 通过合理的判断提供高质量的病人护理, critical thinking skills, 以及基于证据的决策.
  3. Emphasize the role of the dental hygienist as a patient educator involved in community health engagement activities related to health promotion and disease prevention.

Program Objectives:

To be able to fulfill the requirements of an Associate’s Degree in Dental Hygiene and promote the overall program goals, 博彩平台网址大全口腔卫生专业的毕业生将能够:

  1. 通过病人护理应用教学信息.
  2. 通过写作、口语和听力展示批判性思维.
  3. Adhere to the ethical, legal, 以及牙科卫生从业人员的专业行为准则.
  4. Assess, plan, implement, 并评估为获得护理和健康教育提供解决方案的口腔卫生社区活动.

Program Notes: 

The program in Dental Hygiene is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and by the United States Department of Education.

Individuals who have a felony or misdemeanor conviction may not be allowed to hold an active dental hygiene license in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Any questions regarding licensure and felonies/misdemeanor convictions should consult with the Virginia Board of Dentistry prior to applying to the Dental Hygiene Program.  The phone number for the VBOD is (804) 367-4538.

Board Success Rate



Graduate Success on
National Dental Hygiene

Board Examination

Graduate Success on

Clinical Board Examination



201593.3% First Attempt85.7% First Attempt100%
201693.3% First Attempt86.6% First Attempt100%
201790.0% First Attempt80% First Attempt100%
2018100% First Attempt100% First Attempt100%
201993.75% First Attempt93.75% First Attempt100%
202083% First Attempt88.89% First Attempt100%
202194% First Attempt100% First Attempt94%
202285.71% First Attempt78.75% First Attempt100%
2023100% First Attempt85.71% First Attempt100%
Occupational Objectives

A licensed dental hygienist, 在牙医的监督下工作的, 可以在普通或专业牙科诊所工作, clinics, public health agencies, or teaching institutions.


Minimum Admission Requirements: (请参阅以下有关选择性录取的信息.)

申请人必须是高中毕业或同等学历. 为符合入学要求,申请人必须完成:

  1. WCC申请(包括所有高中和大学成绩单或3月15日之前的GED副本).
  2. 完成健康专业申请(www.healthprofessionsapplication)
  3. 英语和数学能力- mde10,通过直接入学和诊断测试证明, 或圆满修毕所需的专业设计及/或专业设计课程或同等学历.
  4. 高中生物或同等学历(一单元),成绩至少为C.
  5. 高中化学或同等学历(一单元),成绩至少为C.
  6. A 2.高中课程平均5分或2分.所有大学课程的累积平均成绩为5分.
  7. Shadowing hours; 16 observation hours to be completed by March 15.
  8. 参加专职医疗基本学术技能测试(TEAS-AH) March 15.
  9. 我们强烈建议在进入口腔卫生专业之前完成这些课程; BIO 141BIO 142, and BIO 150.

Note:  All 申请材料应于3月15日前寄至WCC招生办公室.

**If the student has completed a minimum of 12 college credits that are included in calculating the college GPA (non-developmental courses), the 2.免除高中GPA要求.

Program Requirements: Upon admission, 学生必须进行全面的体检, 其中必须包括两步结核菌素皮肤试验, a profile of medical condition, designated immunizations, 以及乙肝病毒和水痘状态的记录. 只有当结核菌素试验呈阳性时,才需要进行胸部x光检查. 医疗检查和所有必要测试的费用将由学生负责. Students must show evidence of current CPR Certification (Health Care Provider level) prior to the beginning of the fall term of each year. During the course of the program, the dental hygiene faculty will carefully observe and evaluate the student’s suitability for Dental Hygiene.

Background checks for criminal history and sex offender crimes and urine drug screens are required for admission to treat patients. Students with convictions and/or positive tests may be prohibited from clinical practice and may not complete the program. Any student with unfavorable findings on the background check will be referred to the WCC Threat Assessment Team to determine if the conviction prohibits the student from being admitted to the program. 犯罪背景调查和尿液药物筛查的费用将由学生承担.

Students enrolled in the program are responsible for transportation to and from agencies utilized for clinical experiences; purchase of student uniforms and accessories and purchase of required student instrument kits. 有关预计仪器和项目成本的信息可通过项目主管获得.

在每门口腔卫生课程中必须保持至少“C”. 必须保持最小的“C” BIO 141-BIO 142, Human Anatomy & Physiology, BIO 150, Microbiology, ENG 111, HUM ELE, PSY 230 and SDV 100. Once admitted to the program, 学生必须按照规定的顺序学习并成功完成所有课程, 包括非口腔卫生课程. If unsuccessful in any course, 直到下一年,该学生才被允许返回口腔卫生课程. 学生必须表现出为患者提供优质牙科保健的愿望和能力.

Program Readmission: 在任何一门牙齿卫生(DNH)考试中,期末成绩低于“C”的学生 BIO 141BIO 142BIO 150ENG 111, HUM ELE, PSY 230 and SDV 100 课程将不符合继续参加该计划的资格. 重新入学的学生有资格重修一门课程, however, 口腔卫生课程必须在开设该课程的学期内重修. 学生不得继续修读其他必修的口腔卫生课程,直至重修该课程为止. In order to resume the dental hygiene course sequence a student must successfully meet the following criteria:

  1. Apply in writing to the Dental Hygiene program director at least one semester before the requested readmission date for permission to repeat in which a grade below “C” was awarded.
  2. Have at least a 2.申请重新入学时的累计GPA为5分.
  3. 与口腔卫生系教师面谈,讨论以下主题:
    1. personal and professional factors which may have an influence on the student’s successful completion of the program;
    2. academic or professional activities in which student may have engaged since interruption of program studies.

Readmission to the Dental Hygiene program is contingent upon the availability of a clinical slot in the desired class. Students readmitted to the program are responsible for any and all program requirements revisions made during their absence. 如果学生不成功,返回项目, 没有临床要求将从以前的临床会议延续. 如果学生两次尝试都不成功, 该学生将不再有资格重新入学. 课程开始后,必须在四年内完成. Notification of readmissions to the program will be made three to four weeks prior to the readmissions date.

Students desiring to transfer from another Dental Hygiene program must submit official transcripts to the Admissions office for credit evaluation. Students may be required to repeat courses or to complete evaluative testing for credits earned more than 10 years ago.

Complaints Policy

The Commission on Dental Accreditation will review complaints that relate to a program’s compliance with accreditation standards. The Commission is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of dental and dental-related education programs but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admission, appointment, 晋升或解雇教员, staff or students. Only written, signed complaints will be considered by the Commission; oral and unsigned complaints will not be considered. The Commission strongly encourages attempts at informal or formal resolution through the program’s or sponsoring institution’s internal processes prior to initiating a formal complaint with the Commission. The dental hygiene program will maintain a record of student complaints related to the Commission’s accreditation standards and/or policy. A copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy and procedure for submission of complaints may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 or by calling 1-800-621-8099 extension 4653.

The following list is a suggested sequence in which students may plan their class schedules to ensure graduation in two years.

Salary & Job Market Info

Procedures for Selection



First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 141 3 3 4
DNH 111 2 0 2
DNH 115 3 0 3
DNH 120 2 0 2
DNH 141 3 6 5
SDV 100 1 0 1
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 14 9 17  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 142 3 3 4
DNH 130 2 3 3
DNH 142 2 9 5
DNH 145 2 0 2
DNH 146 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 11 15 16  

Summer Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
BIO 150 3 3 4
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
BIOL 2604+2614
Radford University
BIOL 334
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
Liberty University
BIOL 203
Emory & Henry College
Elective Credit
DNH 143 2 6 4
DNH 214 1 2 2
DNH 150 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 8 11 12  

Third Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
DNH 226 2 0 2
DNH 235 1 2 2
DNH 244 1 12 5
ENG 111 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
ENGL 1105
Radford University
CORE 101
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
ENG 1013/1023, GEN ED
Liberty University
ENGL 101
Emory & Henry College
ENG 100
DNH 216 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 9 14 14  

Fourth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
DNH 227 0 3 1
DNH 230 1 0 1
DNH 245 1 12 5
ELE 1 Humanities Elective 3 0 3
PSY 230 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
PSYC 2034
Radford University
PSYC 230
Old Dominion University
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
PSY 2043
Liberty University
PSYC 210
Emory & Henry College
Elective Credit
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 8 15 13