



The purpose of placement testing is to measure how prepared a student is for college-level work, 不管以前的成绩如何, 工作经验, 或者学术历史.  

Students who do not meet the college's standards in 英语 and Math will be required to enroll in Developmental Studies course(s) to improve their skills in these areas.  



  •  高中平均成绩和适当的数学和英语课程
  • ACT或SAT成绩
  • 得分数

需要正式成绩单, 详情请联系学生服务中心, 请致电(276)223-4758.





VPT练习考试指南 (包括数学和英语).

VPT MathSite -帮助你准备数学分班考试的资源

VPT英语 -帮助你准备英语分班考试的资源



  • 学生应在入学前参加分班考试.
  • 例如, 如果学生计划在秋季学期注册, 测试应该在秋季注册之前的夏季进行.
  • 所有学生必须完成 WCC入学申请表 参加分班考试前.



  •  WCC威斯维尔测试中心(位于一站内布兰德大厅的下层)

    • 星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • 十字路口学院的WCC - 加莱克斯
    • 星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • WCC在亨德森-马里昂(位于顶楼)
    • 星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. – 5:00 p.m.




Students may submit placement scores from other institutions provided the placement test is the same as that used at WCC and testing was completed within the last 三个 年. WCC将使用提交的分数线分数,但将应用WCC的截止分数. Placement scores submitted from other institutions must be on file at WCC before a student may register for an 英语, 数学, 或生物课. If a student has two placement scores on record in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and both tests were taken within the past 三个 年, WCC将接受并使用较高的分数. 在VCCS之外完成的发展性课程不符合转学资格.



The academic divisions will adhere to a strict retest policy requiring students to appeal to the counselors and/or faculty in the respective disciplines for retest.

The professional faculty will consider a retest only if a student meets one of the following criteria:

  • 以前的学术历史表明学生的学术能力和/或前景;
  • Mitigating circumstances prevented the student from appropriately completing a test; or
  • 这个学生没有选修数学, 英语, 在参加分班考试后的三年内参加生物考试.



要预约tea考试, 完成在线测试表格. You will receive a confirmation email with further testing instructions within two business days.

The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is required for all applicants for the college’s Nursing, 口腔卫生, 物理治疗助理, 和医学实验室技术项目. 该测试包括多项选择题,评估阅读方面的基本学术知识, 数学, 科学, 和英语/语言用法.  四个部分的时间为209分钟. 内容区域划分如下:

  • 阅读: (53个问题, 64分钟)-部分包括关于段落理解的问题, 通过理解, 和推论/结论.
  • 数学: (36个问题, (54分钟)-部分包括关于整数的问题, 公制转换, 分数, 小数, 代数方程, 百分比, 和比率/比例. *请注意不允许使用计算器*
  • 科学: (53个问题, (63分钟)-部分包括有关科学推理的问题, 科学知识, 生物学, 化学, 解剖学, 生理学, 基本物理原理, 一般科学.
  • 英语及语言用法: (28问题, (28分钟)-部分包括标点问题, 语法, 句子结构, 上下文词语, 和拼写

欲了解更多关于tea考试的信息,请访问网站 ATI的测试. 有关WCC测试的信息,请联系1Stop,电话:(276)223-4825.

Please note: Testing space is limited; current WCC students will have first priority. 学生每次尝试之间必须等待30天. 考试成绩是有效的 三个 年.




Any student who feels he or she may need testing accommodations based on the impact of a disability should contact the disability services office privately to discuss specific needs.  Please contact 学生服务 at 276-223-4825 to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. 




  • 费用:70美元,用信用卡或借记卡支付 只有.
  • 非wcc学生需要额外支付20美元的行政费(仅限现金).
  • ATI需要额外的27美元才能将分数报告发送到WCC以外的学校




ATI的tea是按照WCC的测试政策和程序进行管理的.  请访问学院的测试中心网页了解更多信息.



博彩平台网址大全 recognizes that learning takes place in a variety of ways including 工作经验s, 广泛的阅读, 爱好或业余爱好, 以及其他类似的活动. The basic premise of the credit for prior learning process is that program-placed students shall be given the opportunity to earn appropriate college credit when their previous studies, 培训, 或者生活和工作经验已经提供了知识, 能力, 或者与课程相关的技能. The College’s commitment to this philosophy of credit for prior learning is coupled with its mandate to ensure standards of academic quality comparable to traditional instruction. Procedures to apply for credit for prior learning can be obtained from the WCC 招生 and Records Office.

WCC招生和记录办公室(布兰德大厅117室)可以提供一份打印的 博彩平台网址大全先前学习学分 按要求提供小册子.



Credit for Prior Learning is the award of academic credit for subject matter competency that has been gained by previous academic study or occupational experience. 这可能包括, 但不限于, college credit and advancement based upon individual participation in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Entrance Examination Board; other placement examinations; 清晰度的协议 with other institutions; transfer credit from other accredited institutions of higher learning; 培训 provided by non-collegiate institutions, such as armed forces and service schools; professional certification; or experiential learning.




  • 有资格获得先前学习学分, 你必须目前就读于该学院的课程.
  • 先前学习的学分必须应用于学院的特定课程. 非课程学生没有资格获得先前学习学分.
  • 为了从WCC毕业, 学生必须完成学位所需总学分的至少25%, 文凭, 证书, 或WCC的职业学习证书.
  • 转学学分最高可达学位的75%, 文凭, 证书, 或职业学习证书要求. 学分组合最多可占学位要求的25%. 在所有情况下, at least 25% of the academic degree requirements must be completed at WCC for a student to be awarded a degree, 文凭, 证书, 或者职业学习证书.
  • 通过“先前学习学分”授予学分, 尽可能地, 在当前WCC目录和学生手册中列出的课程. 在某些情况下, Credit for Prior Learning may be awarded for courses listed in the Virginia Community College System Master Course Guide.
  • 不得授予与学院已修课程学分重复的学分, 在其他机构, 或其他通过先前学习学分获得的学分.
  • Students may not petition for Credit by Examination for a particular course if they have enrolled (either for credit or for audit) in that course, 要么去WCC,要么去别的学校.
  • The College reserves the right to place a time limit on prior learning experiences for which Credit for Prior Learning may be granted. The College has a time limit for accepting credit for technical courses taken previously 在其他机构. 系主任, 与相应的项目教师协商, will determine if courses taken more than five 年 ago can be used in the student’s current program of study.
  • Students are responsible for providing the College with appropriate official documentation of prior learning. 如果是外国的成绩单, the student must assume the responsibility of having transcripts translated and evaluated by an approved evaluation agency. Students are encouraged to have their foreign transcripts evaluated course-by-course rather than by degree. 被批准评估外国成绩单的机构名单可在 博彩平台网址大全先前学习学分 在线小册子.
  • The official transcript shall specify equivalent course(s) and the number of credits awarded for Credit for Prior Learning. 先修学分与已修课程学分不同.
  • 没有成绩, 平均绩点, or other indication of academic standing shall be associated with Credit for Prior Learning entries on the official transcript.
  • Credit awarded through Credit for Prior Learning is applicable only to WCC’s curricular requirements. 学生要注意通过AP考试获得的学分, 清晰度的协议, CLEP考试, credit-by-examination, credit-by-portfolio, or other means of Credit for Prior Learning may not be accepted for transfer by other post-secondary institutions.

The official transcript shall specify the equivalent courses and the number of credits awarded for advanced standing. 提前学分与已修课程学分不同.

没有成绩, 平均绩点, or other indication of academic standing shall be associated with advanced standing entries on the official transcript.

通过高级学分授予的学分仅适用于WCC的课程要求. 学生要注意通过AP考试获得的学分, CLEP考试, credit-by-examination, credit-by-portfolio, or other means of advanced standing may not be accepted in transfer by other post-secondary institutions.